Alameen Templeton
This is the Real Holocaust, this bloody, indelible trail of Muslim death that links Srebrenica to Kandahar and Kabul, to Baghdad, Mosul and Tikrit, through Idlib and Raqqa on to Tripoli, Benghazi and Sirte, via Cairo and now in Gaza and southern Lebanon again.
This is not “amateur hour”, Hitler’s practice Holocaust targeting 12million Jews. This is the real thing, aimed at about 1.5billion Muslims, with a final campaign that has its crosshairs trained on every citizen on the planet.
Welcome to the real “new normal”, where every citizen is a potential customer and a potential target, where entire regions and countries are turned into concentration camps, where there is no escape.
Murder without limits
The grinder is coming and no one is counting the Muslim dead.
Take Palestine, for instance. Officially the Lawnmowers have murdered 44 056 Palestinians in Gaza, but demographic forecasting models routinely used to measure government programmes in the West estimate the final toll will be between 200 000 and 800 000, or even more, depending on when the genocide stops and how effective remedial action will be. Disease, complications from injuries, starvation and a filthy environment caused by conflict are expected to continue claiming Muslim lives long after the shooting stops.
Current estimates say the Syrian civil war killed anywhere between 470 000 and 610 000 Muslims, according to Wikipedia. But those are also only direct deaths. Even now, no one’s counting the Muslims who died as a result of “secondary war causes”.
The United Nations has said that this year, 16.7 million Muslims in Syria require some type of humanitarian assistance or protection, “the largest number since the beginning of the crisis in 2011”, Barrons reported in March.
Dead without count
Libya still has no official death toll for its civil war that, like Syria’s, is ongoing today. Science Direct estimated immediately after the war that toppled Muammar Gaddafi 21 490 Muslims were killed. Since then, the numbers of infant deaths and other preventable deaths due to lack of medical attention, resources limited by the ongoing war, due to the failing economy, the sanctions and direct fighting remain uncounted.
Wikipedia says the Iraq war killed between 150 000 and 1.4million Muslims. That’s a big variation. The lower figure is based on direct, violent death numbers from hospitals and morgues. The second number is a demographic estimate from 2007 by polling company ORB International, based on interviews with Muslims recounting how many loved ones they had lost during the fighting. And the conflict continues, but no estimates or polls count the Muslims who continue dying because of the political and economic chaos the war has caused. Lancet magazine, the foremost academic journal for the medical profession, caused a stir in 2006 when it used standard demographic modelling to show the war had killed 601 027 Muslims. How many more Muslims have died since then due to war-related causes, only Allah knows.
Brown University’s ivy league Watson Institute in August last year said wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Pakistan had killed 940 000 Muslims in direct violence. “The number of people who have been wounded or have fallen ill as a result of the conflicts is far higher, as is the number of civilians who have died indirectly as a result of the destruction of hospitals and infrastructure and environmental contamination, among other war-related problems … Millions of people living in the war zones have also been displaced by war. The U.S. post-9/11 wars have forcibly displaced at least 38 million people in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya and Syria. This number exceeds the total displaced by every war since 1900, except World War II.
War without end
“The U.S. could have pursued several nonmilitary alternatives to holding accountable those responsible for perpetrating the 9/11 attacks. These alternatives would have been far less costly in human lives. For example, the US invasion of Iraq turned the country into a laboratory in which militant groups such as Islamic State have been able to hone their techniques of recruitment and violence. The formation of Islamist militant groups spreading throughout the region counts among the many human costs of that war,” the Watson Institute says.
In May last year, the institute estimated America’s post-9/11 wars had caused about 4.5million deaths, the overwhelming majority of them being Muslim. And that was the institute’s lowest figure. The Washington Post reported its researchers drew on UN data and expert analyses “to attempt to calculate the minimum number of excess deaths attributable to the war on terrorism”.
Typically, total estimates multiply the number of direct deaths by between three and 15 times. So, the Watson Institute’s minimum figure is presumably triple the amount of direct deaths. A maximum figure would be five times that, putting total Muslim deaths in the “war on terror” at 22.5million.
Doesn’t that make Hitler’s “six million dead Jews” look like amateur hour?
Lancet said in July in reference to Gaza: “Armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence. Even if the conflict ends immediately, there will continue to be many indirect deaths in the coming months and years from causes such as reproductive, communicable, and non-communicable diseases. The total death toll is expected to be large given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA, one of the very few humanitarian organisations still active in the Gaza Strip.
Best without hope
“In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths.”
Even if we want to be conservative, to imagine the best – the minimum amount of Muslim deaths – we need to remember the Watson Institute’s 4.5million figure doesn’t include the Yugoslavian conflict, the Chechen war, Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Darfur, Mali, Niger, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia and Burkina-Faso that are either battling ISIS insurgency or blowback from America’s other wars.
So, we’re easily well past Hitler’s murder of 6million Jews. And that’s “the best” we can hope for – today, if there’s no more Real Holocaust tomorrow.
But more Real Holocaust will be there when we wake up before sunrise tomorrow to praise our Creator. They’re showing few signs of “genocide fatigue” in Europe, Israel and the US, the collective “home of genocide”.
The Washington Post notes Friday America is not reacting well to the International Criminal Court’s decision to issue arrest warrants for war criminals Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. Mike Waltz, the incoming national security advisor for Donald Trump, has threatened a “strong response” to the ICC when he takes office in January.
America without democracy
The Washington Post reports Joe Biden who mid-year ignored a state department report that Israel is committing war crimes and continues shovelling weapons Tel Aviv’s way, said he “fundamentally rejects” the ICC’s “outrageous” decision. Republican Senator Tom Cotton lambasted the UN entity as a “kangaroo court” and labeled prosecutor Karim Khan a “deranged fanatic”. He warned on social media that Congress would take punitive measures against the ICC. Arch-Zionist Senator Lindsey Graham – who querulously wailed in May when Khan requested the warrants “but we’ll be next” – said the ICC was a “dangerous joke” and called for US sanctions on the body and its members.
All of this because Muslims seem to have a knack for parking their countries smack bang in the middle of global trade routes and planned oil pipeline paths.
They think we’re in the way when we ARE the way.
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