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Hebron men kill seven Israelis, injure eight, in Jaffa retaliation

Muhammad Amin

The Times of Israel reports two Palestinians from Hebron killed seven people and wounded at least eight others in a shooting and stabbing attack in Jaffa Tuesday evening, in one of the deadliest attacks in recent years.

Mehmed Khalaf Saher Rajab and Hassan Mohammed Hassan Tamimi, one of whom was armed with a rifle and the other with a knife, attacked civilians on the Tel Aviv light rail system before alighting and continuing on foot, shooting and stabbing people on Jerusalem Street in the city.

A municipal security officer and armed civilians shot the two men dead, police said.

The ToI said the attack occurred “just minutes” before Iranian missiles started raining down all over Israel.

Police said they had no prior intelligence of the attack which “Motti”, an owner of a nearby kiosk said sprayed gunfire in all directions, scattering pedestrians, as everyone scurried for shelter.

“A woman came off the light rail screaming. Immediately after that, I saw injured people. It’s a bad feeling seeing the scene,” said Mohammed, a flower seller who told Times of Israel it was a “sad and difficult day.”

Israel’s starvation finance minister Bezalel Snotrich said on X he would demand the two attackers’ families be “exiled to Gaza” and that their homes be destroyed.

No mention was made of the 57 people the Israelis had killed since dawn in Gaza. The latest killings took the Gaza genocide toll to 41 586 after 361 days of relentless murder.

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