Alameen Templeton
It’s not just Muslims who have had enough of American “democracy”; now, it seems even Americans can’t take it anymore – a recent poll says nearly half of all Americans believe civil war will break out in the next five years.
More than four in ten prospective voters in the United States believe a second civil war is likely before 2029, a Rasmussen Reports poll says.
Sixteen percent of respondents believed a a second civil war is very likely.
On the other hand, 49% said a civil war was not likely, including 20% who said it was not likely at all.
Ten percent were undecided.
Fears of a violent, tectonic split along “red-and-blue” party lines are increasing amid an acrimonious presidential race between Democrat hopeful Joe Biden and Republican autocrat Donald Trump.
Most respondents said civil war was more likely if Biden secures a second term than if former US President Donald Trump wins.
It seems Trump’s right-wing base of supporters is likelier to take to violent insurrection, than their blue counterparts. 37% of responders attributed a greater chance of civil war erupting after a Biden re-election; 25% after a Trump election.
Resentments and fears on both sides regarding the 2020 January 6 Capitol invasion have never died down and mistrust reigns on both sides.
Americans are split on foreign policy issues, particularly Gaza and Ukraine, as well as on domestic issues like abortion rights, gender politics, immigration laws, and police and intelligence agencies’ powers.
American society is armed to the brim. In 2023 alone, 15.9 million firearms were sold to civilians in the US, including assault rifles.
Moreover, affairs in Texas, have taken a dangerous, secessionist turn, with a growing number of residents inclined towards full independence from federal government.
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