Nazi Isreal’s wehrmacht has been running a Telegram channel featuring homemade snuff fills showing Gazans being brutally murdered by Israeli forces.
Some are captioned with celebrations of the gore and pain contained therein, like “Burning their mother … you won’t believe the video we got! You can hear their bones crunch.”
Typically, the Israeli Offence Force denied any association with the channel.
However, Haaretz reports the channel is directly run by an IDF psychological warfare unit. reporter Caitlin Johnstone says of the channel: “This is one of those many, many times where Israel is so awful that at first you’re not sure what you’re looking at. You think you must be misreading the report. Then, you read it again and go “Oh wow, that’s SO much worse than I would have guessed.”
Johnstone believes it’s sickening phenomena like the Telegram channel that have ensured the Gaza genocide hasn’t been swept under the carpet.
“If the Gaza genocide had happened pre-internet, it would’ve been a fringe issue hardly anyone knew about.
Al Jazeera reports Palestinians and their allies say the videos should be used as evidence in the case against the Israeli regime for genocide before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Indeed, this latest aggression on Gaza has been one of the most visually documented atrocities in history. And genocidal intent has never been so blatantly expressed by both soldiers and political leaders.”
Says Johnstone: “The western press would have been able to get away with exponentially more cover-ups of Israeli crimes, western politicians would’ve been able to get away with way more lies about what’s really happening, Israeli officials would have been far less careful about their statements of genocidal intent in their own media, and the IDF would’ve been vastly more blatant and obvious about its extermination campaign.
It’s only because normal people are getting eyes into what’s really happening that this issue is subject to worldwide outcry and condemnation that has placed the empire on the back foot. The political/media class never does the right thing because it wants to, it does the right thing when it is forced to by normal human beings with healthy consciences. The fate of humanity rests on the ability of ordinary people to freely circulate truth.
Even CNN talkshow host Piers Morgan, ever a defender of Israeli crimes seems upset that the news is getting out. He’s not upset that the genocide is happening; it’s its publication to the world that upsets him: ““Why do Israeli soldiers keep filming themselves doing this kind of crass, insensitive thing? Why don’t their commanders stop them? Makes them look callous when so many children in Gaza are being killed,” he posted on X.
Note, he doesn’t call for the genocide to stop. He only wants to stop the news leaking out.
The fact that the snuff channel is run by the Israeli military shows that statements by politicians egging on genocide are not happening in a vacuum. The ethos is taken up by the Nazi state’s institutions and are implemented on the ground, showing genocidal intent runs through all layers of Israeli society.
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