
“US Occupation Was a Blessing for Afghanistan” and Other Stupid Lies

While the media are already predicting the American defeat in Afghanistan, it is time for them to use their last strategy: pro-American propaganda.

The human toll in Afghanistan is disastrous: 241,000 dead since 2001, 2.6 million of refugees, more than 2 billions dollars spent by the US.

Is there anything good to come out of this 20-years long war?

CBS News:

Afghan educators and students hope the American support of education in Afghanistan does not end with the military withdrawal.

Literacy rates for Afghans 15 and older have increased from 31.4% in 2011 to 43% in 2018, according to the World Bank.

USAID reports that since 2001, student enrollment grew from 900,000 male students to more than 9.5 million students, 39% of whom are girls, in 2020.

Reading this, one thinks that the social progress made thanks to the Americans is huge. Does this confirm that the American presence in Afghanistan was overall beneficial? But as usual, there is a catch. Muslims need to be careful with this kind of discourse and understand where the trap is.

The same type of argument was used by France concerning Algeria. According to some, the “indigénistes” (i.e., those who defend the mixing of cultures and who fight against colonial history) are ungrateful because French presence in Algeria allowed for the construction of roads, railroads, and infrastructures.

They forget to mention that it was France itself that caused Algeria to fall behind the rest of the world by making it suffer occupation and genocide right at the time of the Industrial Revolution.

The same can be said of the rest of the countries of the Middle East, which were attacked, beaten, and colonized by the West.

Afghanistan is a former British colony and owes many of its problems to them. It is easy after that for the West to come and inject money to solve some of the problems and pretend to be a savior.

Should the opening of universities and a few schools make us forget the murders, the rapes, the theft?

We must also ask the question: What are the intentions of the USA behind all this “progress”? We live in a global world, and in this context the support of the international community is key, especially in war situations.

Injecting money into society is also a way to divide the population, to make the American presence desirable for some.

In short, it is the art of war.

That being said, let’s now look at what kind of education we’re talking about:

“Two decades have passed since the Americans came to Afghanistan, and we have been introduced to certain concepts that are now part of our lives- women’s rights, human rights, freedom of speech,” said Omar Sharifi, assistant professor of social sciences and humanities at AUAF.

Sharifi believes these concepts have become a reality of everyday life regardless of American physical presence.

Spending billions to make the Afghan population more liberal, more feminist, less traditional, is not what I call doing a service.

On the contrary, we are not dealing with a charitable act here. This is their dawah. They spend billions on preaching to ensure the supremacy of their liberal and materialistic dogma.

You have to be naive to think that these reforms have nothing to do with the fight against the Islam, which is precisely traditional, anti-feminist, and against the Western conception of human rights.

Let’s just say that the conflict of interest is clear. A more liberal population is a population more against Islam and more in favor of Western occupation.

The US was not there to help. They were at war, and they were attacking Muslims in all aspects: Militarily and culturally. It is the latter that was probably the most frightening.

The decisive argument that proves what I am saying is that most countries are thinking of stopping international aid due to the Taliban taking over and implementing Shariah. Why? If all that matters to these vigilantes is the welfare of the Afghan people, why not continue to help the country’s economy so that they can create schools and infrastructure?


The aid dependency is striking. In 2019, World Bank figures show development aid was equivalent to 22% of gross national income (which is not the same as GDP, but close to it).

That is a high figure, but it is down a long way from the 49% the World Bank reported 10 years earlier.

Now those aid flows are under a cloud of profound uncertainty. German Foreign Minister Heike Maas told the broadcaster ZDF last week: “We will not give another cent if the Taliban takes over the country and introduces Sharia law.

Can’t the Taliban teach people reading and mathematics? Wasn’t education and welfare so important to these Western saviors? Guess not.

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22 Muharram