
Al-Azhar warns against video game which contains demolition of Kaaba

The renowned Al-Azhar University in Cairo has issued a warning about the multi-player video game called Fortnite which encourages players to demolish the Kaaba in order to advance to the next level. The warning was issued through the university’s International Centre for Electronic Fatwas (faith-based rulings by Islamic jurists).

“The centre has previously warned against some electronic games that preoccupy the minds of young people, distract them from their basic tasks of acquiring useful knowledge or work, and lock them up in virtual worlds away from reality while inciting them to hatred and self-harm or the harm of others,” it said on Facebook today.

The Fortnite video game, the statement added, encourages players to destroy the Kaaba to win weapons and advance to the next level. “This affects young people’s beliefs and self-respect and underestimates the importance of their sanctities. Hence, the centre reiterates the banning of all electronic games that encourage violence or contain false ideas which distort faith or show contempt for religious beliefs.”

Source: MEMO

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